
形狀與數字延伸極簡 點線面設計美學 

在零缺角 期待與您 擦出完美品味空間

結合香港設計師詮釋 自我獨特穿搭風格 

生活態度 從穿衣哲學起程   讓自己變美 有很多方式去呈現  

早晨泡杯咖啡 撥放著喜愛的歌曲

哼著歌 挑套歸屬自己的衣賞 化個適合自己妝容




Point—line—surface design aesthetics 
We looking forward to meet you at perfect fashion-sense space

‘ME’ cooperates with a Hong Kong designer group ,

and aims to present an unique -chic style for your daily fashion

—Beauty cannot be described ----
It is an attitude , the living style and the love that flows through it 
Daily routine started with a morning coffee run & favorite music 
Get yourself ready with your own style and put on makeup 
A lovely day begins …


( 客制化設計 制訂團體服 請洽Line ID: @me5mmee )


Facebook: Me+andme

lnstagram: me5mmee

Line ID: @me5mmee